Saturday, May 22 is the date the Friends have optimistically chosen for a fundraiser used book and bake sale. We expect the sale time to be 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Teresa Carbajal Ravet has graciously donated space at the Sententia Vera Cultural Hub for us to hold the sale on the front porch. The Hub is located at the corner of 4002 E. HWY 290 and Sunset Canyon Drive, DSTX.
Used Books Needed!
In order to have a successful sale, we need donations. We have an enormous big blue bin sitting in front of The Hub just waiting for your books! Spring cleaning? Bring all your books over.
We can use most books in good condition. Please don’t donate encyclopedias, magazines, videotapes, or books that are worn out.
Any questions? Please contact Cindy at
To sign up to contribute something for the Bake Sale, contact
Thanks for your generosity in contributing.